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O L Y M P I A C O S   1 9 2 5
Olympiacos and Nottingham Forest offering HOPE

Olympiacos and Nottingham Forest offering HOPE

Olympiacos FC, Nottingham Forest FC and their fans join forces for a very special cause.

Olympiacos FC, Nottingham Forest FC and their fans join forces for a very special cause. All of the proceeds from the clubs’ friendly match to be held on Saturday at 19.00 in G. Karaiskakis stadium, shall be given to support the work of the “ELPIDA- Association of Friends of Children with cancer”.

Also, fans may deliver children’s toys inside the gallery, via Gate 25 at the G. Karaiskakis Stadium from 4pm onwards. This will be their Christmas gift to all these young, yet big fighters in life.

Let this match on December 10th be an unforgettable one for these kids thanks to our offering. True happiness lies in the memories we will keep from this match and the hope we shall grant to the kids’ souls.

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