By endorsing the effort by the “Together for Children” Association in the form of this year’s Corporate Relay Run, Olympiacos FC supports the children themselves. Our side’s players had some..visitors today at Rentis, whom they welcomed warmly as they always do.
The whole Corporate Relay Run crew took photos, with Mr Sarigiannidis attending, of our club players Megyeri, Fuster, Fejsa and Machado holding the relay stick and wearing the relay run apparel!
Our players seemed particularly pleased for contributing in this way to promote the work of “Together for Children” Association. They took the baton and they are now passing it… to all of us! More than 10,000 children every year cherish the help given to them…

Passing the ..relay baton!
Olympiacos football players have been photographed at Renti Training Ground by the Corporate Relay Run crew for the purposes of “Together for Children” Association!