Our Olympiacos always supports major events that aim at highlighting our land’s history, both athletic and other. This applies in this case too, since the club is the golden sponsor of the 3rd Panhellenic “Day of Olympic Culture” Program bearing the title “1st Athens Modern Olympic Games, April 6-15, 1896… April 12, 2013»!
Via arts, the story of the 1st Modern Olympic Games that took place back in 1896 in Athens will be revived at the Kallimarmaro Stadium of Athens on Friday, April 12, at 11 pm. This will be the implementation of the 3rd Panhellenic “Day of Olympic Culture” Program, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports, the Hellenic Olympic Committee, the Region of Attika and the International Olympic Truce Centre.
Pupils from more than 400 schools all over Greece will attend a celebration for the revival of the 1896 Olympic Games at Kallimarmaro Stadium organised this year also by the National Olympic Academy (HOΑ). Moments and events that occurred in this same place 117 years ago will be reanimated in the most emphatic way.
HOA attains also its second goal of volunteering, after laying the ground by means of Olympic Culture. Participation from primary and secondary education has already exceeded expectations and interest in taking part is growing relentlessly.
The Games Revival will be directed and choreographed by Mr Fokas Evagellinos, with more than 700 volunteer performers of HOA Volunteering Division being expected to participate. Also, another 50 dancers from Lyceum Club of Greek Women and Army Navy’s band will also partake.
Pupils will also be able to display their own Olympic Message already prepared using exclusively recyclable materials and will receive a special certificate of participation at the end of the event. Moreover, they will be able to produce a painting on the topic of “Pierre de Coubertin, 150 years since his birth” and Olympic truce, in the specially arranged art area.
Olympiacos supports in practice this significant effort conducted by the National Olympic Committee of Greece and stands as the golden sponsor of this glorious event!

“Day of Olympic Culture” and Olympiacos!
Olympiacos FC will be the golden sponsor of the event that will take place Friday at Κallimarmaro Stadium!